I don't think a better way to start the day than with a few basic methods of Yoga and two very opposite, still balancing oils: Mint, lavender.
Congratulations Sun yoga can be done almost anywhere, making them regularly helps with the flexibility of the spine and warming the muscles in your shoulders relaxed, back, neck, arms. below the revised greeting the Sun step-by-step to help you open the physical, mental, energetic each new day.
First, get your young lives Mint, lavender essential oils. place a drop of mint or two to three drops of lavender the left Palm. Rub gently to the left Palm right over to mix oils together.
Stand straight, tall with feet together, cupping the hands together over the nose, and gently no mixture Mint, lavender deep for three to five breaths, setting up your day and your intentions.Wax your feet to the floor by lifting the spreading all ten fingers, then put them firmly back to the floor. Lift the arches of the feet, lift your internal pressure, lift your kneecaps so engage the thigh muscles. extend the tail down towards the floor, and make sure they don't and pelvis forward, and arching at lower back.Soften the ribs, with every breath, lift your collarbones ashokan, widened the bones in your shoulder blades down and bring back. keep raising your head towards the ceiling.
Notice how the Mint oil helps to stimulate your awareness, while calming soothing lavender oil. After extracting oils, rubbed the back of your neck to manage the remaining oils on your hands.
To start the greeting the Sun, stand with your hands in prayer of the heart.
1) inhale bring your arms to the sides, and then up above your head and pressing your palms together, arching your back as you feel safe for you.
2) exhale, lowering your arms back down the sides, bend, until your touch knees, shins and feet or on the floor.If you are only at the beginning of your yoga practice, or feel very flexible, easy to stand with your feet hip-distance apart and slightly bent as bending.
3) that your next, with your arms down, lift the remaining head, shoulders, and chest half way up with a flat back, looking towards the wall in front of you.
4) exhale, return to the fold forward.
5) that your arms down, back out your hands and up above your head. press the hands together and then position your hands down, pause for a moment of prayer in the forehead and indicating your intention for thoughts positive, healthy day.Then bring your prayer your lips, stating that the intention of truth speak with kindness and compassion.As you move your hands began on your lips, take a few moments to inhale the aroma of peppermint, lavender. Finally, bring your prayer back to the heart, breathing into the feeling of expressions of your intentions alone every day.
Repeat this sequence as a whole three ten times slower, ?????.
One of the benefits of practicing yoga is more calm and clear in mind, so we do not identify with negative thoughts to create a false identity, make us run from limiting beliefs. using essential oils with Yoga is an excellent way to create more peace of mind within.
Tracy Griffiths, RPP, RPE, CMT
Author guide Aroma A ® Yoga for using essential oils on your yoga practice
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